10 Beeswax Products Offering A Natural Alternative

Beeswax is used in many ingenious natural products that can be used instead of synthetic ones that end up as plastic pollution. Learn which 10 products you should be making it your beeswax to substitute with this sustainable alternative…

Beeswax wrap over bowl instead plastic wrap

The humble bumble bee is such an amazing animal! They provide the earth and us humans with so much, including beeswax, a natural wax made by them (in glands in their abdomen) that can be used as a natural ingredient in numerous products, replacing synthetic ingredients. It is used in many ingenious products that can be used instead of alternatives that produce waste.

Before you start going zero waste, you can’t understand how you will be able to live without all these things that you use on a daily basis, but after you start going zero waste, you can’t believe that you used to use all those things on a daily basis!

We list the 10 products you should be making it your beeswax to substitute below!

1. Clingfilm/glad wrap at home

Eeek! Why was this ever invented! Especially when there is a natural alternative that lasts years! Clingfilm or glad wrap is so wasteful and being plastic, is so bad for the environment.

Beeswax wraps are simply fabric, usually cotton, coated in beeswax, jojoba oil and natural tree resin, either by hand or machine. You can easily make your own or buy them from markets or online.

They work just like glad wrap, sticking to themselves. Except, they are reusable and can last for up to five years! Warm hands help mould them to whatever food you’re wrapping or around the edges of a bowl of leftovers.

Beeswax wraps are breathable, so they do a good job of preserving food. They are also naturally anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. And, they’re easy to clean, only needing to be wiped clean with a damp cloth or hand-washed in cold water, followed by air drying. If needed, the wax can be re-melted or the fabric can be re-covered in beeswax to extend its lifespan.

Another plus, they are so much prettier, coming in bright colours and pretty patterns. How gorgeous are these beeswax wraps!

2. Food packaging when food shopping

Ask your local cheese monger to wrap your cheese in a beeswax wrap instead of in throw-away packaging. They can also be used to wrap other deli products, fruit and vegetables, and bread (although I find a bread bag easier for this).

In addition, you can wrap that sneaky baked good you can’t resist buying from the bakery in them. They are easier to carry around and fit in bags than reusable takeaway boxes or tiffins!

3. Plastic sandwich bags, foil & ziplock bags when on the go

Another great use of beeswax wraps is for packing sandwiches, wraps and other homemade eats for lunch boxes, to take to work, or for picnics, road trips or hikes. You can fold the wrap into a pouch or cone (here’s how!), simply wrap it around the food and stick it to itself, or you can get cotton waxed bags, which are pretty much bags made from beeswax wrap, to pop food into.

They are a great eco-friendly alternative to plastic sandwich bags, foil and zip lock bags!

4. Beauty products in your bathroom

Beeswax can be used to make natural, chemical-free soap, body wash, lotions, and lip balm, as well as bug repellant. These can be made DIY at home using beeswax and placed in glass containers, or you can keep an eye out for beeswax beauty products that have been packaged in glass or tin containers at markets or buy them online.

Some of our fav beeswax beauty products can be found here on Biome for those in Australia and those in the UK can find some here, while those in the US/Canada can find some on EarthHero or Well.ca.

5. Candles around the house

Beeswax candles don’t contain the petroleum products and chemicals that a lot of candles do. Instead of these polluting and non-renewable resources, they are simply made of natural beeswax.

They are also slow burning, they don’t drip or produce smoke, and they are a natural air purifier. And, who wouldn’t want their home to smell of honey?

6. Crayons in the toy box

You can also get crayons that are made from beeswax and non-toxic pigments rather than paraffins and the toxic ingredients that they are normally made from.

These crayons are durable, they come in all the same colours, as well as a variety of shapes, including dinosaurs and Australiana, and smell great!

7. Lubricant & polish in your garage

Beeswax and oils are used in polishes that restore moisture and add a protective layer to and hide scratches in furniture, wooden objects and flooring. They can also be used to polish concrete.

Replacing the silicone, propellant and chemicals that most furniture polishes contain, beeswax naturally enhances wood’s natural beauty. It also improves air quality and doesn’t have a chemical smell. Etsy has a number of different polishes and lubricants.

When it comes to lubricant, beeswax can be used to loosen up stiff objects, including drawers, windows, bicycle chain, nuts and bolts, screws, nails, drills, and saws.

8. Fire starters for your barbecue or campfire

Beeswax is also used to make an environmentally friendly alternative to firestarters. Made from beeswax and cotton, they are organic and toxin free, with no chemicals or vapours.

It is claimed that they are even better than normal fire starters, these burn for more than 15 minutes. In addition, the ash created can be used as a fertiliser.

Pine cones dipped in wax are also great for getting a fire started!

9. Dental floss & earplugs in your toiletry bag

Earplugs made using beeswax are extremely mouldable, making them better at blocking out annoying sounds than any other earplug. They take the shape of your ear canal when stuck in your ear, sealing it completely.

Other ingredients used to make these earplugs include cotton and olive oil or lanolin, so all the ingredients they are made from are natural – no synthetic ingredients in sight! While, the use of only natural materials when making foam or silicone earplugs is unheard of.

And, beeswax earplugs also have anti-bacterial properties.

Stay clear of normal dental floss, which is made from synthetic ingredients, such as teflon and nylon, and coated in synthetic wax. Rather, buy a natural dental floss that is free of plastics and petrochemicals and coated in beeswax. 

10. Air purifier in your home

When they burn, pure beeswax candles actually purify the air! They neutralise pollen, dust, dirt, pollutants, and other yuck in the air, cleaning the air and reducing issues like asthma, allergies, and hay fever.

They also don’t release any irritating toxins and fragrances into the air, like regular tealight candles do. These are made from paraffin and release poisonous toxins into the air as they burn. No thanks!

Bee-autiful natural alternative

Beeswax is amazing! And, it's another reason why we should be protecting our bees.

What products you use in your home may be none of my beeswax, but I believe that everyone should make it their beeswax to substitute all of these products with the non-synthetic, environmentally friendly beeswax alternatives that are out there.

Beeswax eco-friendly product alternatives Pin

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